Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
Auteur, traducteur, entraineur, créateur de contenu et streameur pour, je ne prends pas de nouveaux élèves... Elite SKYPE / Zoom CHESS COACH / FIDE Trainer with guaranteed rapid improvement. Qualified Computer Science...
Former European champion of 2011 U8 category, FM since then. IM, peak rating of 2447.
Name: Srihari Surname: L R Country: India City : Chennai DOB: 24/11/2005 Fide : 46617116 Chess...
Ciao a tutti! Sono Alessio Boraso, Maestro FIDE un po' per caso, seguitemi sui miei social:YouTube: