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About me FM ERKIN KARAOKÇUMobile Phone: +90 5319152991 (whatsapp and calls)e-mail: [email protected]: narodznaHe was born...
Auteur, traducteur, entraineur, créateur de contenu et streameur pour, je ne prends pas de nouveaux élèves...
Soy Gabriel Pereyra, Maestro Nacional y apasionado por el ajedrez, la enseñanza y la filosofía. Mi enfoque combina una...
Aditya Mittal Blog FIDE Twitch Twitter Youtube
Greetings, My name is G.K.Monnisha and I am a Women International Master in chess. I also have an IM Norm and a WGM Norm I have been...
I have been getting a lot of these recently, so a word to those who send impromptu challenges without a prior conversation. I will...