Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
Online coaching available! Price-30$/hour About me, I am Sargis Manukyan A. ,FIDE Master from Armenia. I work in any time zone, come...
Hello all! I am Walker Griggs, a national master now based in Los Angeles. I am an attacking player. I love blitz, especially OTB,...
World Amateur Chess Champion 2017:https://amateurchess.com/aco-world-amateur-chess-championship-kos-2017/My name is Andrey Gutov and...
Arena Grand Master (AGM), FIDE Instructor (FI), FIDE licensed National Arbiter (NA) and National Master (NM) FIDE Rating Standard...
Welcome to My Profile! paragonchessacademy.com Latest News: Checkout my new blog: https://www.chess.com/blog/Elite-Reports/the-reason-why-i-changed-my-username...
A medical doctor and a Chess teacher. I am a FIDE Arena Grandmaster, and a FIDE MASTER.I have been playing chess for over twenty...