1: FIDE rating is 2350 on 22.03.2018 (2 IM's norm) 37 years old, from Russia.
2: I graduate of Russian State University of Physical Education in Moscow
(Masters Degree in Physical Education and Sports). Other graduates of this
renowned institution include Women's World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk as
well as Grandmasters A.Morozevich, A.Grischuk, V.Bologan, A. Dreev and too
many others
3: I offer very structured lessons adapted to your personal needs. My rates
are reasonable. Also we can play training standard games with analysis. I
will give you recommendations! Also i can make analysis yours games from
tournaments in PGN file and send it by email!
4: www.kavkaz-chess.ru
5: Champion of Moscow boy's under 20 years in 2000 year. 7 time gold winner of
Students championship between university's in Moscow in team RGUFK! Winner of
too many officcial FIDE rating tournaments.
6: My opening specialties are Dutch,Slav, Caro-Cann, Sicilian defenses etc.
And is able to analyze games arising from any opening structures. I will also
make additional recommendations on which openings better suit your playing
style as well for u!
7: i am a Master of physical education and sport Also i
have finished courses in two Universities with specialist status ....of chess
trainer, specialist in sport and jurisprudence! So i have three hight
8: Chess is war on board...The Object is to crush the other man's mind!
9: My official web www.kavkaz-chess.ru
10: Some of my games Driamin,D(IM) -Fazulyanov,S Saints Petersburg 2001 (i am
17 years old) www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1168904 ... Here my 1st
game againts Grandmaster