Hi, this is Ankit Rajpara from India. I am a Grandmaster and have been playing chess for more than 20 years. I am the founder of Chess...
Всем привет, Друзья!! Я - международный Гроссмейстер Сергей Жигалко. Профессиональный Тренер, Шахматный Стример. 🏆Чемпион Европы...
Hello Guys, I am 24-year-old Grandmaster Harsha Bharathakoti, rating 2567.I am a former National Junior Champion, Asian Junior Medalist,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9GMiH86LxQ YouTube - "Are you drunk sir? Dude!!" - 2800 lichess GMTwitch - https://www.twitch.tv/chessrevelation/lichess...
Pro chess blunderer. lost when i had mate in 1. never placed. sell every game. should quit. L Join anti london society pRo...
Hi! I'm Alberto Chueca, International Master, FIDE Trainer, Chess Coach and founder of The High-Performance Chess Academy: https://chesstalentsfactory.com/. Some...
Contact For enquiries, email me at advicecabinet at gmail dot com. Currently not accepting students. Chess Courses "Introduction...