Hi, I’m Mila! I’ve participated and performed exceptionally well in many strong chess tournaments across the globe. Also, I've represented...
Executive Director, Camp Ewalu I run adventure races, run after a trio of kids, run flies in rifts after trout, and occasionally run...
Olá, Eu sou MF (MESTRE FIDE) e tenho uma norma de MI, Ofereço aulas de xadrez, há mais de 15 anos, com experiência em trabalhar com...
About me FM ERKIN KARAOKÇUMobile Phone: +90 5319152991 (whatsapp and calls)e-mail: [email protected]: narodznaHe was born...
National Master from Armenia. I am also manager and board 4 of Armenia Eagles chess team who won Prochessleague 2018. https://www.twitch.tv/armenia_eagles/...
Jugador e Instructor de Ajedrez. FADA / Federación Argentina de Ajedrez. FAPC / Federación Ajedrez Provincia de Córdoba. Estudiante...
Hey I'm Fide Candidate master Akeem Brown. This year makes 10 years that I've been playing the game of chess and I'm still in love...