Мастер ФИДЕ по шахматам, многократный чемпион и призёр киевских юношеских чемпионатов. Вице-чемпион Украины в составе команды "Братство"...
Se você busca alavancar o seu xadrez, você está no lugar certo. Meu nome é Daniel Rangel, sou Mestre Fide de xadrez, Professor e Treinador...
Hey everyone! My name is Andrei Macovei. I am an international master from Moldova, currently studying at the University of Texas...
Hello Friends, My name is NM Paul Powell. I earned the original LifeMaster title in the 1990s before the title was retired by completing...
FIDE Master & FIDE Trainer 3 IM norms https://www.imajedrez.comhttps://www.youtube.com/@IMajedrezhttps://www.facebook.com/InstitutoMexicanodeAjedrez
Corgi dad, basketball enjoyer, adult improver, senior cloud systems engineer at Chess.com